In accordance with Standard 2: Recruitment of an overseas student of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, Insight Institute of Further Studies (IIFS) has a documented policy and procedure for assessing whether the overseas student’s English Language proficiency, educational qualifications or work experience is sufficient to enable them to enter the course.


In accordance with Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (Chapter 2 – Enrolment) IIFS will provide accurate information to students about the entry requirements for each course.


This policy and associated procedure apply to all international student enrolments at IIFS. This policy will aid students and IIFS staff in making fair and informed decisions relating to enrolments. The aim of this policy is
• To ensure that students fully understand their obligations, inform prospective students of any entry requirements and/or specific requirements they need to meet to successfully complete the program.
• To make it clear if students need to provide any materials and/or equipment, such as personal protective equipment
• To make it clear whether the training includes mandatory work placements. If mandatory work placements are part of the training, IIFS must provide students with clear information on who will arrange these.


IIFS will provide the entry requirements for each course by:
• Pre – Enrolment Course Information Sheets for each course
• Brochure
• IIFS Website
IIFS Entry Requirements:
• All students must be 18 years of age or older in order to apply for enrolment into this qualification.
• Students must have completed High School (or equivalent)
• All students must register their USI
• The students must have good computer skills (including WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint and Internet to search for information)
• All students must complete the Pre Training Review

English Language Proficiency
• All courses are delivered and accessed in English. The students must have LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy) Skills for the level of this course.
• Students must provide current (test date less than 2 years) and valid proof of English Language Proficiency by any of the following tests:
o IELTS (International English language testing System) minimum overall score 5.5
o PTE (Pearson Test of English) minimum overall score 42
o TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language – Internet based test) minimum overall score 50
o C1 Advanced (formerly Cambridge English – Advanced CAE) minimum overall score 162
o OET (Occupational English Test) minimum overall score 350

The student can be exempt from English proficiency condition by providing evidence any of the following:
o They are a citizen of United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland.
o They have completed minimum 5 years of study in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Republic of Ireland.
o They have completed (within the past 2 years) in Australia in English – requirements for senior secondary certification of education.
o They have completed (within the past 2 years) in Australia in English – substantial component of AQF Level 4 or higher on a student visa

Training Package Requirements
IIFS will implement the entry requirements specified in the Training Package for each course.

Pre-Training Review
For each eligible student, IIFS will conduct a Pre-Training Review of their current competencies including literacy and numeracy skills prior to the student commencing training. The Pre-Training Review will:
• Identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) or Credit Transfer);
• Assess the student’s Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) to determine the student’s learning needs and any additional support required so that the student is in the best possible position to complete their course.
• Ascertain the most appropriate qualification for the student to be enrolled in, including taking into consideration the likely job outcome(s) from the development of their new competencies and skills; and

• Ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and teaching and assessment materials are appropriate for that student.

Unique Student Identifier (USI) Number
All students enrolling nationally recognised training will be required to provide IIFS with a Unique Student Identifier (USI). The USI is linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection.


IIFS will only enrol students who meet all the entry requirements of the course. IIFS’s Enrolments
Officer will be responsible for this process.
1. Upon receiving an enrolment enquiry from a student, IIFS will provide all pre enrolment course information to the student.
2. When a student completes an Application for Enrolment form, IIFS’s Enrolments Officer will:
• Verify that the student has provided all supporting documents according to the checklist.
• Check that the student meets all the entry requirements of the course.
• Check that all requirements for the Selection for Enrolment Form are completed.
• Then issue a Letter of Offer and an Enrolment agreement to the student.
3. This is documented on the Selection for Enrolment Form
4. To accept the Offer, the student must sign the Enrolment Agreement and pay the initial deposit.
5. Upon receiving the signed Enrolment Agreement and the initial deposit, a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) is issued.