• the learner’s rights, including:
o details of the RTO’s complaints and appeals process required by Standard 6, and
o if the RTO, or a third party delivering training and assessment on its behalf, closes or ceases to deliver any part of the training product that the learner is enrolled in
• the learner’s obligations:
o in relation to the repayment of any debt to be incurred under the VET FEE-HELP scheme arising from the provision of services
o any requirements the RTO requires the learner to meet to enter and successfully complete their chosen training product, and
o any materials and equipment that the learner must provide, and
• Information on the implications for the learner of government training entitlements and subsidy arrangements in relation to the delivery of the services.
o Where IIFS collects fees from the individual learner, either directly or through a third party, IIFS will provide or direct the learner to information prior to enrolment or the commencement of training and assessment, whichever comes first, specifying:
All relevant fee information including:
fees that must be paid to IIFS, and
payment terms and conditions including deposits and refunds
o the learner’s rights as a consumer, including but not limited to any statutory cooling-off period, if one applies
o the learner’s right to obtain a refund for services not provided by IIFS in the event the:
arrangement is terminated early, or
IIFS fails to provide the agreed services.
• Where there are any changes to agreed services, IIFS will advise the learner as soon as practicable, including in relation to any new third party arrangements or a change in ownership or changes to existing third party arrangements. The following procedure will be followed to inform the learners:
o If there are any changes to the agreed services that effect the training and assessment of the learners for a short duration of time (2 weeks or less), the CEO will decide the best course of action to minimise the impact on the provision of agreed services to the learners. This includes but is not limited to making arrangements for Substitute Trainers and Assessors and amending the timetable and proposed delivery schedule of Training and Assessment. The learners will be informed as soon as possible via face to face in class or telephone or via emails and post letters. A record of this will be maintained in the Student Data Management System.
o If there are any changes to the agreed services that effect the training and assessment of the learners for more than 2 weeks, the CEO will implement the Provider Default Clause. The learners will be informed as soon as possible via face to face in class or telephone or via emails. Learners will also be informed formally via a written notice sent to them about the changes to the agreed service. A record of this will be maintained in the Student Data Management System.
IIFS must provide clear information to learners about the following:
Full course code and title
• To ensure prospective learners can research the course you are offering, state the code and full title of the training product you are offering, as listed on the National Register.
• Include any relevant currency information, such as whether a qualification has been superseded or removed from a training package.
Venue, length and mode/s of delivery and/or assessment
• Provide the prospective learner with clear information about where the training and/or assessment will be undertaken, how long it will take and mode/s involved.
Third party arrangements (if applicable)
• Where a third party is involved in the training and/or assessment, learners have a right to know who this is.
• Learners should be able to contact both IIFS and the third party at any time.
• IIFS must confirm to prospective learners that IIFS is responsible for the quality of training and assessment provided and for the issuing of all qualifications and statements of attainment and that any changes to the arrangements will be communicated to them.
• You must also provide information on how learners can lodge a complaint or appeal against either IIFS or the third party.
Entry requirements
• To ensure learners fully understand their obligations, IIFS must inform prospective learners of any entry requirements and/or specific requirements they need to meet to successfully complete the program.
• IIFS must also make it clear if the learner needs to provide any materials and/or equipment.
• Make it clear whether the training includes mandatory work placements. If mandatory work placements are part of the training, learners must be provided with clear information on who will arrange this.
Support services
• Provide information about support services available to learners and any cost associated with them.
Fee information
• Provide fee information prior to enrolment or commencement of training/assessment (whichever is earliest), about:
o all fees payable to IIFS, clearly describing all costs involved with the course
o how and when fees must be paid
o how to request a refund, and
o conditions under which a refund would be provided.
Consumer rights
• Inform prospective learners about their rights as a consumer, in accordance with state/territory laws.
IIFS must also notify learners when any change occurs that may affect the services IIFS is providing them. This includes:
• a change in ownership of IIFS, and/or
• any changes to, or new third-party arrangements IIFS puts in place, for the delivery of services to those learners.