Insight Institute of further studies is a globally recongnised education institution which caters the needs of international students who wishes to pursue their studies in Australia. IIFS’s mission is to provide relevant and affordable training through innovative and progressive approaches towards learning. IIFS’s primary objective is to deliver high quality education and training services, in accordance with Australian National Training Package guidelines for domestic and international students. IIFS has a vision to become the preferred institution for students in the local area (South Morang and surrounding regional areas) to learn the skills and knowledge provided in the courses we offer. IIFS does not sub-contract training services to 3rd Party delivery organisations and students can be assured of the quality of their course. The training will be delivered only by accredited trainers who currently also work in the industry and provide students with the latest trends and information. Students will learn in a relevant meaningful way with realistic and useful learning resources. IIFS demonstrates our capacity to deliver education to a satisfactory standard, IIFS has the following resources: IIFS new Campus Learning and Assessment Resources Training and Assessing Staff Management and Student Support Services Staff and resources. IIFS has established a fully equipped new premises that contain spacious classrooms, computer area, student kitchen, student recreation area and office areas. IIFS has developed and contextualised all learning and assessment resources for the courses that we are applying for our scope of registration.

Leadership For The Global Education

Untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able do what we like
pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain.


ducamb welcomed every pain avoided but in certain circumstances owing to the claims of the obligations of business it will frequently occurs that pleasures.

Certain circumstances owing to claims duty obligation that off business it will frequently occurs in our free hours when our power of choice is nothing prevents.

Awesome Image
  • Mission Statement

  • Vision Statement

  • Our Values

  • Sustainability

Reason For Choose Us

Trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail.

Most Interesting Facts

To take a trivial example which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise.

  • 0

    History of High Achievers

  • 0

    Total Acres of the Land

  • 0

    Kilometer's of Bookshelves

  • 0

    Awards & Achivements

Our Management Team

Trouble that are bound to ensue and equal blame belongs to those who fail.

Ian Hudson *Chancellor

Loves or pursues desires to obtain pain itself because it is pain…

Lillian Stella *Vice Chancellor

To take a trivial example which off undertakes laborious physical exercise.

Luis Kaiden *President

Right to find fault with a man who chooses to that has…

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