Accommodation and Cost of Living in Australia
The average living costs in Australia is an important part of student’s financial preparation. The Study in Australia website provides detailed information regarding different Accommodation options and other living costs. These costs are an approximate guide and don’t take into account individual budget and spending habits. Please visit https://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/live-in- australia/living-costs
The Department of Home Affairs has financial requirements applicants must meet in order to receive a student visa for Australia. The Home Affairs website covers in more detail how to work out how much money you might need to cover the costs of your stay in Australia as international student.
The 12-month living costs are;
• For students or guardians – AUD$21,041
• For partners coming with you – AUD$7,362
• For a child coming with you – AUD$3,152
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment
Prior to course commencement, enrolled students will be required to undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment designed for Diploma level, so that IIFS can determine whether students need LLN support during their studies
USI – Unique Student Identifier
All new or continuing IIFS students undertaking nationally recognised training, need a USI in order to receive their Qualification or Statement of Attainment. For Further information: https://www.usi.gov.au/
IIFS meets the requirements of the Student Identifier scheme. IIFS will not issue AQF certification documentation to a student without being in receipt of a verified Student Identifier for that student, unless an exemption applies under the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
For further details, please refer to the policy on our website.

Student Support Services

IIFS offers a range of Student Support Services to help the overseas students in adjusting to study and life in Australia. Students will be provided with an age and culturally appropriate Orientation Program which will provide them with information about the services available to ease their transition into life and study in Australia and to assist them as needed. This provision of support services to students is as an integral part of training services provided by IIFS. These support services will be provided at no additional cost to the student.

For further details, please refer to the policy on our website.
Course Progress Monitoring Strategy
Students are required to maintain satisfactory course progress. IIFS will monitor the course progress to ensure that students are able to complete their course within the expected duration specified in the COE. IIFS will implement its risk intervention strategy if required.

For further details, please refer to the policy on our website.

Refunds and Fees Protection

IIFS’s Refund Policy and Procedure provides relevant information regarding refund conditions including:
a) Refund terms and conditions
b) the student’s rights as a consumer, including but not limited to a statutory cooling-off period of 10 business days.

For further details, please refer to the policy on our website

Tuition Protection Scheme

Protection of Fees paid in advance – In case of provider default, TPS ensures that international students are able to either
• complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or
• receive a refund of their unspent tuition

For more information on TPS, please visit https://tps.gov.au/Home
Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation of study
Student Initiated Deferrals – Students may be able to temporarily defer the commencement of their studies or suspend their enrolment after commencement on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances.
Provider Initiated Suspension or Cancellation – IIFS may suspend or cancel a student enrolment including but not limited to, breach of Enrolment Agreement and visa conditions.

IIFS will inform the student in writing about the intention to suspend or cancel the student enrolment and the reason for doing so. The student will be given a notice of intention to report and 20 working days to access IIFS’s internal complaints and appeals process.

For further details, please refer to the policy on our website.

Complaints and Appeals

Students can choose to appeal any decision made by IIFS in accordance with the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures. The Complaints and Appeals Policy and related procedure is available at our website.

International students can make a complaint to the Overseas Student Ombudsman (www.oso.gov.au) if they are not satisfied with IIFS’s internal complaints and appeals process. The availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australian Consumer Law.

Issuance of Certification

IIFS will issue AQF [Australian Qualifications Framework] certification documentation only to a student whom it has assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package. AQF certification documentation will be issued within 30 calendar days of course completion, provided all agreed fees the student owes to IIFS have been paid.

For further details, please refer to the policy on our website.