In accordance with The National Code (Standard 6: Student Supports Services) Insight Institute of Further Studies (IIFS) must provide support to the overseas student in adjusting to study and life in Australia.

In accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 – Support learners Clause 1.7, IIFS is required to determine the support needs of individual learners; and as a result provide access to educational and support services (such as, but not limited to Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) support and assistive technology) that is necessary for students to meet the requirements of the training product as specified in relevant Training Packages or VET accredited course on its Scope of Registration. The aim of this support is to maximise the chances of students successfully completing their training within their period of enrolment.


This policy has been designed to ensure that IIFS will:
• give overseas students information on, or access to, an orientation program about living and studying in Australia, including information about safety on campus and while living in Australia;
• offer reasonable support to overseas students, irrespective of their place or mode of study, at no additional cost to the overseas student;
• have a critical incident management policy; and
• ensure there are sufficient staff, in addition to academic staff, to support and advise overseas students who request assistance.
• identify any support individual students need prior to their enrolment or commencement (whichever is the earliest); and
• provide access to that support throughout their training

1. Identifying support requirements

Enrolment Form
The Enrolment Form is used to determine if a student has identified themselves as having a disability (physical or learning disability). This will be used to determine any support requirements for the student including reasonable adjustments to me made in the Training and Assessment strategies and materials.

Pre Training Review
Prior to enrolment or Course commencement IIFS will conduct a Pre-Training Review and LLN Assessment for each student which will:
• Identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning

(RPL), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) or Credit Transfer);
• Assess the student’s Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) to determine the student’s learning needs and any additional support required so that the student is in the best possible position to complete their course.
• Ascertain the most appropriate qualification for the student to be enrolled in, including taking into consideration the likely job outcome(s) from the development of their new competencies and skills; and
• Ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and teaching and assessment materials are appropriate for that student

2. Providing Support

This policy has been designed to ensure that appropriate support services are available International students to ease their transition into life and study in Australia and to assist them as needed. These services will be provided at no additional cost to the student.

English Language Support
IIFS understands that English is a second language for our international students and is an area where more support is required to achieve success for our students.
IIFS will provide are several formal and informal support services and programs which provide international students with the opportunity to practice, and build confidence in, their English language skills.
The Student Support Services organise regular workshops on:
• Grammar and pronunciation
• Speaking and listening
• Reading and writing

Student Support Services Staff can also provide assistance with finding the right online English Language Improving tools that best suit the individual needs of the student.

LLN Support
All students participate in aLLN Assessment which is designed to map with appropriate ACSF levels of the course they are enrolling in. This is assessed by a qualified Assessor.
• A qualified assessor will determine whether or not additional LLN support needs to be provided.
• The student will also be notified of the outcome of the Assessment.
• Where additional support is required the Assessor will discuss the extent and timing of the support with the Student Support Services Officer and notify the student.
• The outcome of this assessment will be recorded on the LLN Form and will be attached to the students file.
• If additional LLN support is to be provided it will be brought to the attention of the student’s

course Trainer/Assessor so that it can be addressed throughout the delivery and assessment processes.
• A Student Support Services Officer will also visit each classroom or simulated workplace environment on a planned basis to provide any additional support as well.
• Where a student wishes to discuss any LLN issue they can do this by arranging a meeting with Student Support Services Officer.

Orientation Program
Before the commencement of the course, IIFS will provide an age and culturally appropriate Orientation Program for all students which will provide them with information about:
• Emergency Management plan including evacuation procedures
• StudentSupportServicesavailableto assist overseas students to help them adjust to study and life in Australia.
• StudentSupportServices Contact person
• All facilitiesandresources
• Staff Contact for different departments
• English Language Support
• Academic Support
• LLN Support
• Technology Support
• Student Welfare Services
• Other Support Services offered
• Referral Services to external agencies
• Course progress requirements
• Complaintsandappealsprocesses
• Critical Incidents
• Student Safety Information
• Legal Services for international Students
• Emergency and Health services
• Student Rights
• Services students can access for information on their employment rights and conditions, and how to resolve workplace issues, such as through the Fair work Ombudsman.
• General information about living in Australia.

Student Handbook
All students are provided with a hardcopy / website link to the Student Handbook prior to their course commencement. The Student Handbook provides information related to:
• IIFS Introduction
• Courses
• Selection and enrolment
• Unique student identifier (USI)

• Credits
• Recognition of prior learning
• Course locations
• Course orientation
• Student code of conduct
• Course expectations and requirements
• Attendance requirements
• Course progress requirements
• Assessment arrangements
• Student plagiarism, cheating and collusion
• Support services
• External support services
• Your feedback
• Access to your records
• Notifying you if things change
• Legislation and you
• Privacy policy
• Fees, charges and refunds
• Deferment, Suspension or Cancellation
• Complaints and appeals
• Critical Incidence Policy
• Issuing of certification documents

Academic Support
IIFS will offer reasonable support to overseas students to enable them to achieve expected learning outcomes regardless of their place of study or mode of study, at no additional cost to the student. Academic support is the responsibility of the trainers. Students are advised to approach their trainers, Course Coordinator, Student Support Officer if they need assistance in meeting course requirements. The academic support could arise from identifying the special learning needs (Pre-Training Review), or the disabilities student might have prior to enrolment or during the course of their enrolment into a course. The Trainers and Student Support Services Officer must assist with the following:
• Study Skills
• Timetables
• Learning Support Strategies
• Academic issues
• Reasonable Adjustment in conducting assessments
• Understanding course content
• Preparing for tests
• Workshops and training sessions with industry representatives.

Technology Support
Assistive Technology will be provided in each classroom or simulated workplace environment as specified in the relevant Training Package or VET Accredited Course. If requested by a student, IIFS will provide them with technology support in the classroom. Students should initially make contact their trainer with any issues relating to technology support and if their trainer cannot address the matter they will then raise the issue with IIFS’s IT Services for resolution.

Other Student Support Services offered
Students will given the opportunity to participate in a range of student support and social activities organised by IIFS. Annual plan will highlight the various proactive student support activities that will be organised for the students. This shall cover the various aspects of LLN support activities, course related content, field trips/excursions, In house workshops, industry event participations/ visits.
Job Search workshops -Workshops are run to assist students with career planning, interview preparation, resume writing, personal development, work experience and market information.
Critical Incidents –IIFS has a documented Critical Incident Policy and Procedure that outlines the action to be taken in the event of a critical incident.
Complaints and Appeals – Students have access to Complaints and Appeals Policy. When IIFS receives a complaint it is recorded, acknowledged and dealt with fairly, efficiently and effectively under its Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.
Student Welfare Services – This service provides assistance to students experiencing difficulties in any aspect of their lives, including issues of academic or personal nature. Where the Student Support Service Officer feels further support should be gained, a referral to an appropriate support service will be organised. The student support officer is available to students to help them access study support and welfare-related services.
Employment rights and conditions – IIFS will provide information to students on their employment rights and conditions and how to resolve workplace issues, such as through Fair Work Ombudsman.
Accommodation Services -If requested by a student IIFS will provide advice and/or information about locating affordable, safe and convenient accommodation. IIFS’s Student Support Service Officer will encourage students to research the options offered and choose an arrangement that best suits their own budget and study requirements.If a student requires temporary accommodation IIFS will arrange to book the accommodation on a student’s behalf, but VTI needs at least two weeks’ notice prior to arrival. Whilst there is no cost for this service, students will have to pay for the accommodation.
Airport Reception -If requested by an International student not less than 5 working days prior to their arrival, IIFS will have the student/s met at Melbourne Airport and transported to their accommodation within Melbourne. Students will have to pay the cost of the transportation.

Referral Services – to External Agencies

Legal Services – IIFS can refer a student who requires to a legal practitioner, the referral is at no cost to the student. Student would be responsible for any cost related to the legal advice provided.
Emergency and Health Services – During orientation students are advised on campus safety and how to access emergency and health services. For non-urgent services students are encouraged to talk with student services. For medical or other emergencies students are instructed to contact the appropriate services, e.g. 000
Fair work Ombudsman – IIFS will assist students to access information on how to resolve workplace issues.
• The provision of this support will be at no cost to the student unless they are referred to an external support organisation i.e. the costs associated with the initial referral will be borne by IIFS, however the student will be responsible for any ongoing costs that may arise as a result of the referral.

• Whilst all staff employed by IIFS are responsible in providing education and support services to students, IIFS will nominate ‘Student Support Service Officers’ who will be available to all students, on an appointment basis, during standard hours of business (9:00am to 9:00pm, Monday to Friday).
• IIFS will have sufficient student support personnel to meet the needs of the students.
• IIFS will ensure that student support staff are aware of their obligations under the ESOS Framework
• If studentsrequireaccessoutsidethesehours,anappointment will need to be madewiththe StudentSupportServicesManagertoarrangeasuitabletime.
• Students can access the Student Support Officers directly or via email or phone contact.
• In cases of emergency (non-life threatening), the person to be contacted is the CEO (available 24 hours / 7 days per week).

Student Safety
• IIFS will take all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment on campus and advise students and staff on actions they can take to enhance their personal security and safety
• IIFS will provide information to overseas students about how to seek assistance for and report an incident that significantly impacts on their wellbeing, including critical incidents
• IIFS will provide students general information on safety and awareness relevant to life in Australia.